The source of Bible verses & Strong’s system of the original word meanings from “The Bible Society in Taiwan” AND "blueletterbible.com".
**********恩雨之聲 SOBEM on YouTube http://sobemyoutube2.blogspot.com/
組級別 Group level
(一) 姓氏 The Origin Of Chinese Family Name http://theoriginofchinesefamilyname.blogspot.com/
(二) 中文的開始 The Beginning Use Of Chinese http://thebeginninguseofchinese.blogspot.com/
(二) 探討洪水 group 1
太極 Tai Chi originated in ancient Greek http://taichioriginatedinancientgreek.blogspot.com/
提出(隨, 易經第IV卦) The Discussion Item 4 http://thediscussionitem4.blogspot.com/
根 The Genealogy Side Of The Flood http://thegenealogysideoftheflood.blogspot.com/
祖宗十八代 The Flood 18 Generations http://theflood18generations.blogspot.com/
Use this link if you cannot view the links within group.

佛 = 史官所寫 scribe recorded
"Buddha" 時期為"七十個七 70X7"張貼所包。
"Buddha" period was covered within the "七十個七 70X7" posts.
看看 read also 但以理(七十個七)&耶穌 Daniel (Seventy weeks) & Jesus
看看 read also 西周東周 West and East Zaor
西周 The 841 BC http://the841bc.blogspot.com/
瞭解 To understand 不同 the different 類 kinds 的 of 意思 the meaning 的 of the "Buddha"
看看 read also 佛祖 Zebudah (Buddha)
匹配一 Construct Chinese 2 http://constructchinese2.blogspot.com/
看看 read also 仲國 Second nation of Abraham
仲國 Second nation of Abraham http://secondnationofabraham.blogspot.com/
"China" 基礎於"仲國" 那亞伯拉罕和一些他的親戚是迦勒底人。 就此"chi-na"表示"迦勒底人的後人”, 不同於其他迦勒底人的姓氏(陳及更多), 當然其中也有些是亞伯拉罕及他的親戚的後人。
"China" was based on "Second nation of Abraham" that Abraham and some of his relatives were Chaldean. It was then "chi-na" meant "children of Chaldean" that was different from others with Chaldean family names (Chen, Chan, and more) that certainly some are of Abraham and the relatives of Abraham.
看看 read also 彼拉多寫了 Pilate wrote
耶穌 Relating To Jesus http://relatingtojesus.blogspot.com/

探究 Look into 幾何 the geometry 方面 side 導致人 will lead one 進入 into 更 more 驚奇 wonders 之中。 阿基米德 Archimedes 於 in between 公元前287年至 to 公元前212年 B.C. 之間應該是 supposed to 前兆 foreshadow 微積分 the calculus. 這 This was 臨近 just before 漢朝 the Han Dynasty 又 and 正是 in the period that 學者 the scholars 被 were being 生埋 buried alive 期間。 在 In 差不多 about 公元前300年 B.C., 歐幾里得 Euclid 的 had 幾何原本 The Elements (分 in 13冊 books) written. 亞里士多德 Aristotle (公元前384年至-公元前322年 B٫C.) 作出 worked on 分別 the difference between 公理 axioms 與and 公設 postulates. 柏拉圖 Plato (公元前427年至-公元前347年 B.C.) 有 carried 形成 the forming 證明 a proof. 當時的學者 The scholars in those days worked 以 with 數學 math 為根本。 沒有理由 There was no reason for 語言之 language 研發 developments 不加 did without 數學 math. 但以理 Daniel (公元前605年至-公元前536年 B.C.) 有 carried the 驛站 relay 傳遞 messenger 服務 services. 拼在一起 All together 從此使人 made it 不可能 impossible to 與世隔絕 ignore the rest of the world from that point on. 從 From the 公元前4th 世紀至 to the 公元前3rd 世紀 Century B.C., 有迄今中國人天天紀念的 there was 屈原 the Qu Yuan that Chinese remembers him in the daily life until even now. (The poems that 屈原的 Qu Yuan 詩 wrote 證明 proved that 中文字 Chinese character sets began in use before the 在公元前4th 世紀 Century B.C. 之前已經用了。 從 From the 公元前7th 世紀並 and the 公元前6th 世紀 Century, 孔子 Kungfuzi 時代 period 和 and 他的 his 老師們 teachers 領導 lead 形成 the forming of 不止 the more than 100套 sets of 字 the characters to 給眾國 all those nations. 有理由 There are reasons 相信 to believe that 轉用 the switch over 基礎 based 於 on 寫作在公元前11世紀之詩篇 the Psalms that were written in the 11th Century B.C. 格式 The patterns 和 and 寫詩的寫法 ways to write poem 至遲那時開始 began at least then 也 that 配合那時的音樂 worked with the music of then.) 他 He was 應該是個懂得數學的 likely to be 學者 a scholar that knew math. 他 He 迄今至少被年年紀念的 has been remembered for at the least once a year. 從來沒有 There has never been any 中國國家元首 head of the nation in China 被這麼紀念的 ever being remembered in such a way. 單單這 This alone 也是 is 奇怪 a wonder. 畢達哥拉斯 Pythagoras (公元前580年至-公元前500年 B.C.) 有 carried 畢氏定理 Pythagorean Theorem. 泰勒斯 Thales (公元前625年至-公元前546年 B.C.) 有 carried 線 the lines 及 and 角 triangles (泰勒斯定理 Thales' theorem). 怎麼可能 How in the world could 中文字 Chinese character sets 使用 be made in just 簡單 simple 沒有意思的 boring 圓圈 circles 製造出來? 誰 Who 能 can 否定 deny that 他們 they 懂得 knew 多於 more than just 舊約全書 the Old Testaments 與 and 簡單 simple 算術 arithmetic? 多維 A multidimensional 設計 design 對他們來說沒有什麼了不起 was not a big deal for them. 不是嗎 Could it not be so?
積分符號 The integral 似之 like for 悔改 repenting 步驟 steps 可以被 could be 分清楚 sorted out٫ 當然是以 It is certainly 時間 a time 為基礎 base one. 只能 It can only 發生在 happen between 出生前 before birth 與 and 死亡當天 the day of death 之間。 當期間縮短就如 It is 放大觀看一樣 like magnifying when the period is getting shorter. 一樣都不會 There is not going to be 短缺 short of any one of them. 可以是 There can be just 簡單的 a simple 一次 once 或 or 任何組合的無限次 infinite of any combination 於任何人的一生之中 in the lifetime of anyone. 另一點 The other point 是關於因任何原因 is also about 而無 no 悔改 repentance taken place 於一生之中 in the life of a person for any kind of reason. 一看法之方式 A way to look at is 如 as 後 follow:
基督耶穌 vs 耶穌基督 Christ Jesus vs Jesus Christ
神的定義 The Flood And Science Earth
基督耶穌 vs 耶穌基督 Christ Jesus vs Jesus Christ
基督耶穌有關的藝術 The Christian art to you
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 天堂
G1909 vvv 進入之後 . . . . . . . . . G2032 巽(9) ἐπουράνιος
G3735 vvv 到達 . . . G3772 乾(8) μῆκος . . . G3771 兌(7) μηκέτι
. . . . . . . .V 未達 . . G3321 μεσουράνημα
G0142 .vVvvvvvv xxxxxxxx 悔改
. . . . . . . .V 融合 . . . G4862 σύν
. . . . . . . .V 抗拒 . . . . G3844 離(5) παρά
G3733 vvvv xxxxx 中間開始
. . . . . 界限. . . . . . . . . . G1722 ἐν
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 前組 . . . . . . . . . . . 後組
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . G1519 εἰς . . . . . . . G1537 ἐκ
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 並 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 並
G4253 vvvvvvvv G4314 πρός . . .. . G0575 ἀπό
.. . . . . 未達界限
.. . . . . 排行 1 . . . . . . . . . . G3338 μεταμέλομαι vvvvvvV
.. . . . . 排行 2 . . . . .Vvvvv G3340 μετανοέω . . . . . . . .V
.. . . . . 排行 3 . . . . .V. . . G3319 μέσος . . . . . . .vvvvvvV
.. . . . . 排行 4 . . . . .V . . G3326 μετά . . . . . . . . vvvvvvV
xxxxxxx 中間結束 . V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V
. . . 願意改變 . vvv G3341 μετάνοια . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V
. . . 不能改變 . . . G0278 ἀμεταμέλητος . . . . . .vvvvvvvV
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 地獄
. . . . . . . . . . G1067 坎(4) γέεννα
. . . . . . . . .G0086 上坎 ᾅδης
. . . . . .G5020 下坎 ταρταρόω
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HEAVEN
G1909 vvv after . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G2032 巽(9) ἐπουράνιος
G3735 vvv reached . . . G3772 乾(8) μῆκος . . . G3771 兌(7) μηκέτι
. . . . . . . V. before . . G3321 μεσουράνημα
G0142 vVvvv xxxxxxxx REPENT
. . . . . . . V. union . . G4862 σύν
. . . . . . . V. oppose . . . . G3844 離(5) παρά
G3733 vvvv xxxxx MIDST begin
. . . . . boundary. . . . . G1722 ἐν
. . . . . . . . . .before set . . . . . . after set
. . . . . . . . . . G1519 εἰς . . . . G1537 ἐκ
. . . . . . . . . . . . and . . . . . . . . . and
G4253 vvv G4314 πρός . . . . G0575 ἀπό
.. . . . . before boundary
.. . . . . rank 1 . . . . . . . G3338 μεταμέλομαι . . vvvvvvvV
.. . . . . rank 2 . . . . . Vvvv G3340 μετανοέω . . . . . . . . V
.. . . . . rank 4 . . . . . V . . G3326 μετά . . . . . . . vvvvvvvV
xxxxx MIDST end . .V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V
. . . will to change . vvv G3341 μετάνοια . . . . . . . . . . . V
. . . cannot change . . . G0278 ἀμεταμέλητος . . vvvvvvV
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HELL
. . . . . . . . . . G1067 坎(4) γέεννα
. . . . . . . . .G0086 上坎 ᾅδης
. . . . . .G5020 下坎 ταρταρόω

基督耶穌 vs 耶穌基督 Christ Jesus vs Jesus Christ
基督耶穌有關的藝術 The Christian art to you
看 To look at 這 this part of 多維組 the multidimensional set 部分, 就 one can 通達 clearly understand 一些 some of what 耶穌 Jesus 所說的 said. 最 The most 充滿驚奇的 wonder full 是 was 關於 about
(馬可福音 2:17 耶穌聽見,就對他們說:“康健的人用不著醫生,有病的人才用得著。我來本不是召義人,乃是召罪人。”
Mar 2:17 When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.)
“醫生 physician” 對於在 that people in 第 the 21st 世紀 Century 的人才可以 can 開始 begin 明白 to understand. 腦袋的狀況 The condition of the brain 可以 can 肯定 sure 分辨 tell 是否 if 任何 any 辯論 debate 會 can 存在 be ever there 於 about 罪 the sin 與 and 悔改 the repentance 上。 倘若 It is about if 醫療的 the medical 問題 problems 不 do not 存在 exist 那 then 此人 one 一定要 must 為壞事悔改 repent about the evil deeds. 這 This 不能 does not 排除 clear 此人的 one from the sins of the 父母 parents 的罪。
大衛王 King David 曾經歷 went through 此點 that. 他 He 想要 liked to have 從作惡事所生的孩子 the child out of his evil deed 不過 but 神 God 拿走 took 嬰兒的生命 the life of the baby 來說明 to show 罪的底線 the bottom line of sin. 任何父母的罪 The sin of any parent 導致肇禍 causes.
當然有 There is of course 生來是瞎子的例子 the example of the born blind person 為 that 耶穌 Jesus 為榮 神的目的所癒 healed was for the purpose of glorifying God. 此人 Such one 不帶有任何父母的罪 carried no sin from the parents 卻有 but 從 神來的福 the blessings from God. 參孫 Samson 喜歡 liked 那女人 the woman 到 so much that he 想要 wanted 娶 to marry 她 her. 此乃 神的旨意 This was the will of God 而 that 父母 the parents 卻不 did not 知 know. 在世人眼中 To the world, 他逆 神犯了罪 he sinned against God. 在 神眼中 To God, 他 he 履行了 fulfilled 神的旨意 the will of God. 故此 Therefore 他不用悔改 there is no repentance required from him. 這 This 是 神聽他的禱告 was the reason for God to hear his prayer 讓他與在場的同死 of dying with all those that were there with him. 那與 神要應允祈禱無關 It was nothing about a prayer that God had to answer.
亞伯拉罕也一樣 It was the same as Abraham. 神 God 不過 only 讓 let 亞伯拉罕 Abraham 知道 knew about 祂將要執行什麼 what He was to carry out. 神 God 沒 did not 給亞伯拉罕機會 give the chance to Abraham 去 to 改變 change 祂的任何計劃 any of His plans. 詞組 The phrase “創立世界以前 before the foundation of the world” 確 made it 很 very 清楚 clear. 神永不改變 God never changes. 神 God 總是 will always 執行 carry out 祂的 His 旨意 wills. 除外 Besides, 這兩 the two of them 面對 faced 要為自己的罪悔改的人 people that were required to repent for their own sins. 人要為 One must 自己的罪悔改 repent for one’s own sins. 這 This 回應 answers to 那些the ones that 假設 suppose 自我懲罰 to punish self 搶先於 to beat 神的懲罰 God to any punishment 是 as being 自愚 foolish. 向 神悔改 The repentance 必須 must 發生 take place toward God. 自我懲罰 To punish self 不過是 is only about 假裝作 playing 神 God 又 and 再次逆 神犯了罪 sin against God once more. 底線 The bottom line 是 is that 逆 against 神的旨意 the will of God 就是 is 罪 sin. 用自己 Using self 來 to 量度 measure 他人 others 是 is 不行的 not good. 那就是 It is 從學習過程產生的成見 bias through learning process. 就算 Even 彼此認同 one agrees with others 未必可以 may never 是 be 好的 good. 要 To 知道 know 是否 if it 是 is 罪 sin, 人 one 要 must 向 神屈服 yield to God. 這可不 This did not 對亞伯拉罕來說像是真實的一回事 seemed be true with Abraham. 他 He 使 made 他的 his 太太 wife 隨著 went along with 他的 his 半實話 partial truth 這 that was 顯然是在 obviously 說謊 a lie. 他的 His 理由 reason 是 was 害怕 afraid of 受損傷 being hurt 或 or 被殺 killed. 那王 The king 在無知的情況下接受了 took 他的 his 話 word 而 and was 後 later 因他的無知被 神懲罰 punished by God because of his ignorance. 一點是無論如何那王 The point for that king was that he 不必做他所做的 did not have to do what he did anyway. 人 One 可以 may 想要 want to 覺得 think that 那王起碼因他的貪慾被懲罰 the king was punished at the least for his greed. 記載中的亞伯拉罕 Abraham 無任何的 was not 錯 being wrong in anyway as it was written. 這可以 This could 意味著 mean that 那些王們的 the kings 所作所為都類似 were like that then 或者 or 那王 such a king 是人所共知的 was known 要娶甚至第一次相遇的女人 for taking women as his wives even met them just the first time. 對 神來說不可能 There can never 有 be 那 the 所謂 so-call 灰色地帶 gray area to God. 這 It 就是 is 單單 only about 任何事 any deed 要是 that is to be 祂的 His 旨意 will 否則 or 悔改 the repentance 在即 is due. 這 This 確實是 has been true 從 from 亞當的日子起 the days of Adam. 這 This 會 will be 確實 true 到直至 until 世界 the world 沒了 cease to exist 為止。
聖經 The Bible 未有 did not 說 神 say that God 會留下 would keep 這 this 世界 world 為將來所用 for the future use. 靈界 The spirit 用不著 does not need 或 or 依賴 depend on the 物質 material 世界 world. 悔改步驟 The repentance steps 結束於 ends 達到天堂後 after the Heaven was reached. 這 This 當然 of course is 仍是 yet 一步 a step. 一天使 The angel of God 失敗failed and 沒有或不能悔改 did not repent or could not repent 然後 then 變成 became 撒旦 Satan. 跟著失敗的天使也一樣沒有或不能悔改 The ones that followed it did the same. 爾後 Thereafter, the 撒旦 Satan 和其 and its 使者 angels 成 became 一團體 a team. 人生途上每一步 Each step of the way, 人 one 不應 must not 逆 神犯罪 sin against God. 不如 It is not like 所謂 the so-called 宗教的 religions that 人 one 可以 can 變成 become 天神 the gods 或 or 靈界的一分子 the god like as 的永遠的幸福結局 the happy ending forever. 那是夢想 It is for the dreamers.
這 This 世界 world 充滿罪 is so sinful 至到就算 that being 單單遠離這世界的罪 away from the sins of this world alone 永遠沒法有助於任何人 will do nothing for any one forever. 所謂 The so-called 灰色地帶 gray area 是在人察覺 is where one notices 思想過程是那麼錯的 the problem of thinking process as very faulty. 與 神的旨意無關 It has nothing to do with the will of God. 從此 From this point on, 悔改步驟 the repentance steps 在人開始悔改就變成許多 become much as one begins to repent. 人越多 The more one 認識 knows 聖經涵蓋的是什麼 what the Bible covers 就越多 will mean more 悔改 repentance 的發生 taking places. 一點 The point 是 is that 人 one 可能 may 假定 assumes 過多到 too much 好像 as if 視為 what is considered 已知的 as known 就當成 as being 真的 real. 誤了的 Missing the point 會 will 導致 lead to 以後生平中悔改多多的是 plenty of repentance later in life.
基本上 Basically, 各字彼此 the words are 或 either 同 the same 或 or 不同 not. 若是 If 它們 they are 相同 the same, 其中之一 one of such ones 取代 replaces 其他 others. 若是 If 它們 they are 不相同 not the same, 它們 they 不同在多維表面上同一點上 are not on the same dot in the multidimensional surfaces.
簡化 To simplify 評估 the evaluation 過程 process, 讓 let 各字在彼此的 them be 上 on top 或 or 下 below each other 於 on 一線 a line 或 or 一曲線上 a curve. 這 This 不 does not 令 make 字意 the meanings 有任何的改變 changed in anyway. 這 This 只能 only 導 leads 人 one 觀於 to look at 一 an 容易的 easy 角度 angle. 悔改 Repentance 是這樣的 is just 例之一 one of such. 人 One 可能 may 想 want to 假定 assume 全都相同 that all are the same. 它們 They 不 are not 取代 replacing 其他的 others 於 in 任何 any 方式上 way.
G4862 σύνÌ VS G3844 παρά 出現 came up with 融合 union VS 抗拒 oppose 容易認清的方法 as the easy way to tell. 融合 Union is 比較 closer than 抗拒 oppose 近 神 toward God.
G1722 ἐν 高於 was above G3326 μετά 是 as 全貌 the overall picture.
G3341 μετάνοια VS G0278 ἀμεταμέλητος 出現 came up with 願意改變 will to change VS 不能改變 cannot change. 願意 Will to is 比較 closer than 不能 cannot 近 神 toward God.
從 From 那 there, G3340 μετανοέω 相關於 that related to G3341 μετάνοια 成為 became 低於 lower than G3338 μεταμέλομαι. 這 This 讓四個中 made G3338 μεταμέλομαι 排 ranked 第1st 而 and G3340 μετανοέω 排 ranked 第2nd out of the four. 一點 The point 是 is that G3338 μεταμέλομαι 相關於 related with G3319 μέσος, G3326 μετά 並 and G0278 ἀμεταμέλητος. 然後 It is than 最後一步 the final step 是認清 of telling apart G3319 μέσος 並 and G3326 μετά. 任何出錯的發生並不重要 It is not important if any error is taking place. 了解 It is the understanding 就算 that counts٫ 人 One 又 also 可能 may 不 not 假設 suppose 此支持 the support of
哥林多後書 3:6 他叫我們能承當這新約的執事,不是憑著字句,乃是憑著精意。因為那字句是叫人死,精意是叫人活(註:“精意”或作“聖靈”)。
2Co 3:6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.
盡最大的努力去 Doing the very best 學習 in learning about 聖經 the Bible 便是 is all that counts. 是 It is only what 上帝 God 願意 will 人 people 知道什麼 to know 而 and 不是 not 什麼 what 種類 kind 的 of 字 words 被使用 being used 為準 that counts. The “聖戰 Holy War” 正正是 is one of the exact 問題之一 problem 就是 that 人 people 永不可能 can never come to 同意 the agreement 怎麼樣 of what 才 is 對的了解 to be right. 對假設 To those that suppose 地球上的人 people on earth 必須 must be 介入 involve 來說, 就 it 是 is the “聖戰 Holy War” for sure. 對 To those 明白 that understand 人無法近乎聖潔的人 people as no way anywhere near holy٬那實在是 there is the “聖戰 Holy War” indeed. 兩者 The two 未必可 may never 碰上 meet. 透過確切的意思誰 Who 是 is 對的 to be right through the exact meaning? 假設 Assuming 在提到確實的古希臘字上任何一個人有一個問題在 that there is a problem in referring to the exact words in Ancient Greek by any one. 此 Such 人致終 one 未必 may never 有 have the wrong 全面性錯誤 overall 的了解 meaning at the end 單單靠包在 as covered by 哥林多後書 2 Corinthians 3:6 alone 的了解便可。 惡人 Evil ones 可能 may 想要 want 他人 people 用一套 to have a copy 亂連綴 of mixed up linking 的 of 字 the word 意 meanings. 這是否能將真相有任何的改變 Will this change the truth in anyway? 可導致那知道正確的意思的人的一笑 There may cause some laugh by others that know what is right. 上帝絕不會 There is in no way that God 讓這一個人不知道真相 will let the truth be left out for such one to know. 悔改 Repentance 再次 again 是 is for 為了惡行而行 the evil deed taken place. 只有這存在的真相 This truth will only stay. 關於在生活中 As for the understanding of 多個 many 階段的 steps 悔改 in repenting in life, 它是個不會改變的 it is a truth that will not change. 人的個別情況 The state of a person 單單是 alone is required 思考 to review 階段的條件 the steps. 有一些 There are 字 the words 的意思是 carry the meaning of 再次回到 return to 一 one again 或 or to 再開始 start again. 這是在人的每個情況的 This is where the 階段的重復 steps repeat in every state of a person. 不管是 No matter 那一個 what 次序 order there may be. 總是移上移落 There is always moving up the order and drop back to start again. 再次回到一的意思 The meaning of return to one again 是 was 真的 true 因為那時 for there 沒有 was no 零階段 zero 或 or 負階段 negative then. 六天的創世同是一樣 The same was to be applied to the six days of Creations. 這就是 This was where 在啟示錄的印 the seals in Revelation 停於 stopped at 第六印 the sixth. 當 When 第七印 the seventh seal 開始 started, 它 it 是 was 關於 about 七個 the seven 號 trumpets. 那 It 是 was 關於 about “再次回到一 return to one again” 並且 and “再次開始 start again”٫ 這一點 The point 是 was that there was 不僅變動 not only a change of the type of 事件的類型 event 而且 but also 開始 start 有 having 有新的 a new 一套 set of 七 seven as well. 這令 This made 那套悔改 the repentance set 非常意味深長 very meaningful. 再次開始 The restart 於 from 人的個別情況 any state of a person 不可能 cannot 停止 stop 老化 the aging 和 and 時間 time. 就算 Even 那 there 可有 can be 循環 the loop 之內有 inside 循環 the loop 於 in 任何 any 有限 finite 時間 time period, 時間 the time 就是 just does 不停留 not stay the same 於路途上的 as 每一 each 階段 step of the way is taking place. 絕沒有 There is in no way that 任何字的意思 the meaning of any one word 可能 can ever 改變 change 這個 this 事實 fact. 那套悔改字的安排 The pattern of the repent word set 如積分符號那樣的簡單 is as simple as an integral. 就此一個 There is only one of such 積分符號 integral 可用於任何 for 一個人的 anyone with 無限的 infinite 可能性 possibility. 它 It 是以 was 數學為 math 基礎 base. 了解悔改也許不與如積分符號那樣的簡單 It might not be as simple to understand as with this kind of the integral.